Tim has been involved in a range of green infrastructure such as biofiltration, infiltration and green roofs. Tim was the Technology Project Leader in the Facility for Advancing Water Biofiltration (FAWB) and formerly Director of the Institute for Sustainable Water Resources at Monash University.

He was also an invited professor at the National Institute of Applied Sciences in Lyon (France). Tim was one of the leaders of the team that developed the Model for Urban Stormwater Improvement Conceptualisation (MUSIC) and co-leads, with Assoc. Prof. Chris Walsh the Little Stringybark Creek project - a world-first attempt at catchment-scale retrofit of WSUD (with the aim of restoring the ecological health of the creek).

Tim has also been involved in the design and monitoring of several large-scale pilot green infrastructure projects in both Australia and France.

From May 2011, Tim has been an ARC Future Fellow and Professor of Urban Ecohydrology, based at the University of Melbourne.

